Whoever you may be, welcome! Thank you for visiting!
Just a brief background for you. It was my great privilege to serve the pastors and congregations of the Baptist Union of Victoria for twenty-two years in various roles. These provided support for all exercising ministry leadership roles – particularly youth pastors, lay leaders and pastors.
As you would no doubt guess, there were countless conversations over these years. From personal sharing times with pastors right through to meetings with leadership groups, churches and training events.
So, the following reflections on pastoral ministry have grown out of all these years of engagement with the very special family of Victorian Baptists. Of looking back, of recalling the good and not so good times in serving the Lord of the Church. These are offered as a practical encouragement to all who continue to lead the people of God.
Pastoral ministry is a great privilege, a calling to love, nurture and equip the people of God. There are many joys. But there are also the darker times of disappointment, heart searching and anxiety. Every pastor has experienced this curious mix of deep satisfaction on the one hand along with times of wondering if their efforts and sacrifices are making any real impact for the cause of Christ.
About these Ministry Reflections….
They are provided for pastors as a personal resource.
They may be used as discussion papers in whatever ways are helpful.
Copies may be downloaded and circulated without cost.
As a courtesy, please include the contact details provided at the conclusion of each paper.
If you do make use of any of these reflections – and you are most welcome to – please slip a brief email to me indicating your usage. And by all means let me know if there is a need for any corrections or tidying up!!